Sunrain Group Co., Ltd

Company Profile

太阳雨集团,始创于1999年,是一家以空气能技术为引领的全球化清洁热能公司,全球新能源企业500强,沪市A股主板上市公司,国家高新技术企业。 集团业务以空气能为核心,并在空气能+太阳能等多能源耦合技术上领先行业,为全球客户提供清洁供暖、清洁发电、泳池机以及工业生产、农业烘干等解决方案,满足住宅供暖制冷,城市集中供暖,大棚恒温养殖,农副产品、工农业烘干除湿,工业、市政污泥干化等应用需求,在地产、酒店、学校、医院、泳池、养殖、工农业等领域建立了样板工程,是博世、美国惠而浦、美国西屋、以色列ATRWELL以及意大利法罗力指定供应商,是欧洲泳池设备销售商POOLSTAR中国指定合作伙伴。 Sun Rain Group, founded in 1999, is a global clean thermal energy company led by air energy technology, one of the top 500 global new energy enterprises, listed on the A-share main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and a national high-tech enterprise. The group’s business is centered around air energy and leads the industry in multi energy coupling technologies such as air energy and solar energy. We provide global customers with solutions for clean heating, clean power generation, pool machines, industrial production, agricultural drying, etc., meeting the application needs of residential heating and cooling, urban central heating, greenhouse constant temperature aquaculture, agricultural and sideline products, industrial and agricultural drying and dehumidification, industrial and municipal sludge drying, and other applications in real estate, hotels, schools We have established model projects in fields such as hospitals, swimming pools, aquaculture, industry and agriculture, and are designated suppliers for Bosch, Whirlpool, Westinghouse, ATRWELL in Israel, and Ferrari in Italy. We are also designated partners for POOLSTAR, a European swimming pool equipment seller, in China.

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