Shenzhen Syslab Electronics Co., Ltd.

Company Profile

Shenzhen syslab Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 and listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations in 2016 (stock code: 836050, stock abbreviation "Syslab Stock"). syslab Stock focuses on energy storage temperature control, communication air conditioning, commercial air conditioning, industrial refrigeration and other fields. It is dedicated to the research, development, production and sales of HVAC intelligent controllers, compressor frequency inverters and other products. It positions itself to serve high-end equipment manufacturers. In March 2024, syslab Stock will relocate to its new factory purchased in Baolong, optimize and restructure its frequency conversion product production line; expand production, and the production capacity will be 2.5 times that of now; deploy ERP and MES, WMS systems to comprehensively improve informationization, systematization, intelligence, and lean management, achieve optimal resource allocation, and improve supply chain efficiency.

Product List