Panasonic Air disinfection machine
  • Panasonic Electric Equipment(China)Co.,Ltd.
  • product brand:Panasonic
  • Numéro de stand:W4H12W4J12
  • product specification:F-JPVW50C
  • product category:Miscellaneous-Others-
  • product introduction:Through hypochlorous acid to sterilize and deodorize the air, the salt water is electrolyzed to generate hypochlorous acid (electrolyzed water), when the dirty air comes into contact with the filter screen soaked with hypochlorous acid solution, through the "gas-liquid contact" method, sterilization and deodorization. At the same time, the hypochlorous acid that is discharged from the outside of the machine through the fan can also suppress bacteria adhering to the surface of the object. Reduce the spread of the virus and remove many odors from life.