Balancing valve with flow meter
  • product brand:caleffi
  • Numéro de stand:W1F66
  • product specification:
  • product category:Refrigeration Equipment--
  • product introduction:The balancing valve is a hydraulic device that accurately regulates the flow rate Of heating medium supplied to system terminals The correct balancing of hydraulic systems is essential to guarantee the system operation according to its design specifications, high thermal comfort and low energy consumption. This particular series of valves is equipped with a flow meter for a direct reading of the regulated flow rate. The flow meter is housed in a by-pass circuit on the valve body and can be shut off during normal functioning, allowing fast and easy balancing of circuits without the need for differential pressure gauges. The balancing valve (in the threaded version) iS equipped with a hot pre-formed shell insulation to ensure a perfect thermal performance in case of use both with hot and chilled water.