Bag-in bag-out filters
  • Dezhou Yatai Group Co., Ltd.
  • product brand:yatai
  • Numéro de stand:W3F47
  • product specification:
  • product category:Miscellaneous-Others-
  • product introduction:Bag-in bag-out high efficiency filtration device is designed and manufactured for the safety of people and environment, mainly used in the environment having specific biohazard(like high-level biosafety lab, negative pressure isolation ward, biopharmaceutical workshop, etc.). Its function is to remove harmful viruses, bacteria and other impurities in the exhaust wind to ensure the safety of the exhaust filtration system in the application occasions. The design of single filtration system or multiple filtration systems is adopted. The single filtration system only has one high efficiency filter. The multiple filtration systems can have the primary, medium efficiency filtration sections, activated carbon filtration section and double high efficiency filtration sections. Features: 1、The main shell of filtration section adopts full weld. Pressure resistance of the shell: ≥2500Pa 2、Shell and inner parts are made of high quality stainless steel, resistant to disinfectants, cleaning agents, acids, and alkalis. 3、Bags are made of PVC whose thickness is 0.2mm. Features include high sealability, tensile strength, and easy operability. 4、In-situ automatic scan to detect leakage; in-situ online disinfection function 5、The filter is fixed by eccentric compression method. 6、The filtration section is equipped with differential pressure detection and differential pressure signal transmission devices for safe pressure detection, isolation, maintenance, and internal disinfection of the pipeline.