Industrial commercial air coolers
- product brand:CECO/BATELONG
- Numéro de stand:E4D51
- product specification:定制化产品,具体详谈
- product category:Refrigeration Equipment-Refrigeration systems and plants-Chillers, adsorption / absorption
- product introduction:+ine caingitmadeopre-psined. cabeanired steel cifenrga high reesiance
efectocondensation undefthe main drain pan durg tho defrodt process.
10corrosion and impact daege.An inlertal aluminum drain pan limits the
+TheNKH ucoolers are delvered in mouhiing positien in reinlerced crales
The eatemal rotor fans are equipped with fan guands complant with safety
*2 ian types are used for the NKHrango
-@630mm 4 pole 1500 rom
-0800mm 6pole 1000rpm
The motors are of the three phase type, 300V, 50Hz, IP54,class F
:Selectionoaritoooerwithverous fan numberdionolercombinatione oflerino
cold room.
thadimensionaland ar throw characiorstce bost adaptad to the size of tho
The finned cos othe NKH range are designed with aluminium fins spaced
at 4, 6. 9. crimped onto copper tubes.
Hich-elciencyHtvpe iine foraneconomicaisolution
Foralatherelrigoranta. piense coniact us and specily when ordering.
Thecallsam supplied wia optimized R22/R404A diaphragmdistributar(s).
Theredueedsize efthe heatexchanger also enablesfast defrosting.
Thistypeofinisparticulary suitable for the storace of packedproducts