Copper Tube Ultrasonic Welding Machine
  • product brand:Schunk
  • Numéro de stand:W5B07
  • product specification:Kobra-2-ProAir-Ex
  • product category:Assembly Supplies for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-Soldering and welding materials and accessories-
  • product introduction:Kobra-2-ProAir-Ex is the most modern, reliable and ergonomic ultrasonic welding machine for tube sealing applications worldwide. It offers an Ex-Proof user-friendly machine design with low-maintenance requirements during its whole lifetime. When it comes to Tube Sealer for operation under explosive environments the Kobra-2-ProAir-Ex is a benchmark for the refrigeration and air conditioning industry worldwide. Thanks its unique Correct Tube Position Sensor (CPT) and robust construction the Kobra-2-ProAir-Ex can operate in a low air pressure of 4.5 bar and deliver the most reliable welding results with the highest sealing performance and full data traceability.