Smart level Sensor
  • DeYang NEWPEACE Automation Instrument CO .,Ltd.,
  • product brand:DEYANG XINTAI
  • Numéro de stand:N4C64
  • product specification:
  • product category:Refrigeration Equipment-Refrigeration systems and plants-Chillers, liquid
  • product introduction:he UYB-D53FrU type level sensor continuously measures the refrigerant level inthecondenser or evaporator, and converts the shift amount of the level change intoastandardlinear 4~ 20 mA signal output. The sensor adopts a three wire system, which canformalevel control system with any refrigeration unit controller with an input of 4~20 mA. It canalso be connected to instruments such as indicator, recorder, regulator and other DCSsystems and PLC systems to achieve the measurement, display and control of thelevel.