
LOGISTICS & MATERIAL HANDLING Magazine "Logistics Technology and Application", founded in 1996, sponsored by Beijing University of Science and Technology, founded by Professor Wu Qingyi, a famous Chinese logistics expert, and carefully interviewed and edited by senior logistics media people. In the past 20 years, the magazine has in-depth coverage of hot topics in the field of logistics, successful cases of enterprise supply chain and logistics management operations, construction of logistics systems in various industries, and development of logistics technology applications. With its unique and accurate positioning, profound and advanced understanding, and rigorous and realistic style, "Logistics Technology and Application" has won praises from readers and has become a well-received and famous magazine in China's logistics industry. It is now a monthly magazine, rich in content, illustrated and full-color printing. Main columns: focus, case, topic, authority, observation, serial, company, person, information, etc. "Logistics Technology and Application" is published on the 10th of each month, 14 issues throughout the year, with a price of 30 yuan per issue, and an annual subscription price of 420 yuan (including courier fees).

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