
I.BON is a well-known professional company in China who study fluorescent organic inert molecules and related detection technologies. It is one of the few companies with core technology for related products in the world. I.BON has mastered the core design model and theory about fluorescent organic inert molecules. We are expanding the range of fluorescent organic inert products and applications. All fluorescent products are produced by I.BONTM itself, and all production or processing equipment and environmental protection process are designed by ourselves. I.BONTM has design and manufacture of related instruments of fluorescent materials for measuring technology, measurement, calibration and other technologies. I.BON first put forward the basic terms and definitions of fluorescence detection application area in China. I.BON has the core design technology and manufacturing technology of excited fluorescent light. And master the high precision application and matching technology of fluorescence and light source, with rich application technology and experience. I.BON has the newest automatic fluorescence measurement and technology. This technology is ahead of the current market in automatic identification and recording of trace fluorescence. In fact, most of the current codes and standard bases on fluorescence inert tracer detection come from I.BONTM in China. I.BON occupies a prominent leadership position in the field of fluorescence detection technology in China. The only expert in fluorescent leak detecting field in China

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