Shenyang Shenyileng Refrigeration Co..Ltd

Company Profile

ShenyangShenyilengRefrigerationCo., locatedinthenortheast industrial base ?Shenyangwith convenient geographical location and advanced technical resources, sophisticated processing and testing methods. Beingaprofessionalrefrigerationequipmentmanufacturingenterprise, we learn from various companies to absorb advanced technologies and management to develop series of S/4S/6S/6T/4SJ/6SJ/6TJ/B one (two) stage piston type refrigeration compressors with complete varieties of devices. The evaporation temperature range of the compressors is from -70°C ~ 12.5°C which is available for customers to choose, according to the actual conditions, to use high or low temperature,oneortwo-stagemodelsofthecompressors. The refrigeration compressors, air (water) cooling condensing units, parallel water chillers and other refrigeration products manufactured by our company are widely used in biomedical, genetic engineering, food preservation, process cooling, cold chain logistics, edible fungus cultivation, supermarket independent cabinets, as well as many other areas. Our products widely spread all over China from the west of Xinjiang to the east of Heilongjiang province, from Inner Mongolia in thenorthtothesouthofHainanprovince. We have been dealing with refrigeration sector for many years in equipment and system design, manufacture by advanced precision machines and test instruments to guarantee the high quality of our products. We also can provide our customers with excellent refrigeration system solutions and installation as well as training. We can design non standard refrigeration equipment and control system accordingtothespecialrequirementsofcustomers. The advanced production equipment, perfect management system, excellent corporate culture make our products a perfect quality of Shenyileng

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