Blower Door System MODEL GTI658
- GTI Precision Instrument (Shenyang) CO., LTD.
- product brand:GTI
- Numéro de stand:W2G10
- product specification:8 flow control methods for fine-grained control;One-click testing to save time;On-site reporting from software;Upgrade to dual-fan or triple-fan systems;Two Pressurization Methods: Pressurization and Depressurization Quick Leak Detection for Easy On-Site Pinpointing of Leak Points Leakage Volume, Test Pressure, Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure Interchangeable Nozzles for A Wider Flow Range. RS485/Wifi Communications; Adjustable Metal Frame Structure for Various Door Frame Sizes
- product category:Tools and Equipment for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-Leak detectors-
- product introduction:MODEL GTI658 is mainly used to test the airtightness of the whole building and its interior spaces. In the house closed state, adopting the Fan Pressurization Method, it uses the fan to establish a pressure difference in the house indoor and outdoor. It adjusts the speed of the blower so that the indoor pressure should be achieved the desired differential pressure (10-100 Pa). The volume flow rate of the air transported by the blower should be equal to the flow rate infiltrating through the house. It is used to assess the airtightness level of a building and to locate leaks. This instrument conforms to various current test standards in Europe, America and the domestic construction industry, the test method can be selected according to different needs, the operation is easy and the results are accurate.