Replaceable Core Shell
  • product brand:CONTROA
  • رقم الكشك:W4B20
  • product specification:CA-485 CA-14411 CA-9617 CA-9625G CA-489 CA-14417 CA-9613 CA-487 CA-14413 CA-9621G CA-1449 CA-4811 CA-14421G CA-4813 CA-14424G CA-4817 CA-14425G CA-4821G CA-19211 CA-4824G CA-19213 CA-967 CA-4825G
  • product category:制冷设备-制冷系统设备和配件-膨胀设备
  • product introduction:The CA series replaceable core shell is for use in both liquid and suction line of large commercial air conditioning and refrigeration systems. The shell allows replacement of 48 series cores for the removal of moisture, acid and foreign contaminant.