Air Cooled Inverter Heat Pump
  • McQuay Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration(Wuhan)Co.,Ltd
  • product brand:McQuay
  • رقم الكشك:W2F33
  • product specification:Model: MAC100ER6SR-FAA Refrigeration Capacity:28kW Heating Capacity:30kW Refrigerant:R32
  • product category:空调设备-户式中央空调-
  • product introduction:Breaking the traditional limit that air conditioning can only meet the needs of cold and hot water, the triple supply unit can meet the annual air conditioning and hot water needs. Efficiently meet the cooling needs of air conditioning in summer, while providing free hot water. During the transitional seasons of spring and autumn, high-efficiency water heaters supply daily needs. Intelligent winter distribution ensures both hot water and underfloor heating needs.